Ethio general hospital credit customer
Agricultural input supply kombolcha
2. Ambasel trading Dessie
3. BGI Ethiopia Kombolcha
4. Water supply and sewerage Kombolcha
5. Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Dessie district
6. Concern world wide kombolcha
7. Dashen Bank -Dessie
8. Dashen Bank -Kombolcha
9. Dashen Bank -Haik
10. Development bank of Ethiopia Dessie
11. ELPA north east region
12. ELFORA agro industry-Chefa
13. ELFORA Agro industry-Kombolcha
14. ELPA summera
15. Ethiopian Insurance Corporation
16. Guna trading PLC
17. KOSPI, kombolcha
18. MEDTHECH Dessie
19. NIB Insurance Dessie
20. United bank Dessie
21. Unity University Dessie
22. Wegagen bank Dessie